
Showing posts from June 29, 2021

75 years Of India's Independence

  This year India will celebrate 75th Independence Day. On this special occasion of Platinum Jubilee there should be a tribute to the great men and women who sacrificed their lives in their dream of a free India.  We all know India gained her Independence from the clutches of the  British at the midnight of 15th August in 1947. We must remember that this independence is not the toy of a child but many years of sacrifices, struggle and painful conflicts which caused the Independence to come about. Hundreds of men, women, the youth and even children had their valuable contributions in the achivement of Independence.   Since the Independence, a number of great persons and many Prime Ministers have tried to develop the nation. As the biggest democratic country, India achieved her sovereignity as well as the status of being republic. After the Independence people enjoy many fundamental rights and they do their fundamental duties. We must not forget that we are yet to achieve many things. So