
Showing posts from June 15, 2021

My experience of tour to shantiniketan

  A tour to the “Abode of Peace”   Amid this COVID situation we witnessed many bad and good things. Today I am going to share my experience of my tour to “The Abode of Peace” aka Shantiniketan. I was boiling with anger during Holi as practically I couldn’t play any Holi. Hence, my father along with 2 of his colleagues planned a surprise trip to Shantiniketan to have some peace and enlighten our moods. I nearly didn’t get sleep the night before. Our journey started with a group of nine including me and my companions Adrish and Ahana. Maintaining full COVID protocol, we started from Burdwan station by Burdwan Ramphurhat Memu on 29 th March. Vendors were as usual calling out their products. Although eye luring I didn’t buy anything owing to the COVID situation. We reached within a couple of hours and took a toto to our hotel “The Bolpur Lodge”. After refreshing ourselves and having lunch we set off at 1 p.m. in a car our parents had booked. At first, we visited a temple. Then we stop

My Loving Bird Rancho

  My loving Bird Rancho   Everybody in life sometimes or other have raised an animal. Today I am going to share my experience with a bird. He is a spotted dove ( gughu) bird and his name is Rancho. He was a small little bird whom his industrious mother was feeding. But one day his mother left and never came back. His nest was in our annexe, on top of a cupboard. My mother when watering plants saw that he was alone in his nest without his mother. We didn’t do anything during the day hoping the mother would be back. But when it didn’t we immediately took action. I helped my mother to feed him gram flour dissolved in water with a dropper. After 2 days I was able to feed him. I waited eagerly for his food timings so that I would feed him. He needed to be fed 4 times at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and at 7.30 p.m.  As he was very active he used to jump when I would be feeding him and as a result, some of his food fell on his body. I used to clean them with a wet cloth. I took care of him a