My experience of tour to shantiniketan


A tour to the “Abode of Peace”


Amid this COVID situation we witnessed many bad and good things. Today I am going to share my experience of my tour to “The Abode of Peace” aka Shantiniketan. I was boiling with anger during Holi as practically I couldn’t play any Holi. Hence, my father along with 2 of his colleagues planned a surprise trip to Shantiniketan to have some peace and enlighten our moods. I nearly didn’t get sleep the night before. Our journey started with a group of nine including me and my companions Adrish and Ahana. Maintaining full COVID protocol, we started from Burdwan station by Burdwan Ramphurhat Memu on 29th March. Vendors were as usual calling out their products. Although eye luring I didn’t buy anything owing to the COVID situation. We reached within a couple of hours and took a toto to our hotel “The Bolpur Lodge”. After refreshing ourselves and having lunch we set off at 1 p.m. in a car our parents had booked. At first, we visited a temple. Then we stopped our car midway to enjoy the awesome view of a river. Our parents were busy clicking photos and enjoying the view while we mischief-makers were dipping our feet into the water. Next, we visited the “Amar Kutir” Mall. Our mothers did some brisk shopping while we children were being given treats of guavas and ice cream by our fathers, our mothers also joined the picnic. In addition, I bought two lovely paintings:  one for grandpa and the other for me. Afterwards, we visited the famous “Sonajhuri Hat” which is organized in a clearing of a forest. I really liked the cool atmosphere of the forest. There our mothers bought Punjabis and sarees. There we got the real taste of rabdi. At 6 p.m. we started for the hotel. After having a light tiffin of tea and toast we went to see the “Vasanta Utsab”. The dancers and singers did little to amuse us kids so we played hide n seek. At 8.30 we left for the hotel. On the next morning, we planned to go for a morning walk to “Central Library” the library of “Vishwa Bharati” university. I had to catch and pull father by his leg to wake him up. We reached there by a toto. The beauty was so tranquil I was like “Peace Ho! What do I see! Never to go into oblivion in all my life! Even in life after death!"Trees of Bougainvillea, Debdaru, Palash, and Fagun Bou oh! I forgot all the names. I also made a friend Rocky a little puppy. It started following us; I gave it some biscuits and it started wagging its tail. After clicking some pictures we started for our hotel at 7 a.m. I was a little sad as it was the last day. At first, we visited the old mansion of the Singha family. Next, we again visited the “Sonajhuri Hat”. Our mothers finished their shopping as according to them they didn’t get enough time yesterday. We once again ate rabdi. Our parents spoiled us with a bonus of sandwiches and cold drinks for behaving well. After having 2 days of fun I had to return home.  After checking out from the hotel at 3 p.m. and reached the station by car. Our train was on time at 3.45 p.m. but we didn’t get seats for the first three stations. On reaching Burdwan we took a toto home, tired yet happy.


I will never forget this experience especially the rabdi, the morning walk and rocky and it will remain as an asset throughout my life.


Souptik Singha

Class 8 (B)

Roll 51

St. Xavier’s School Burdwan

For Annual Magazine 2021

Me and my buddies

Cutie pie ready for photoshoot

Rocky and me

Me And my dad

Me and my mom
