My Loving Bird Rancho


My loving Bird Rancho


Everybody in life sometimes or other have raised an animal. Today I am going to share my experience with a bird. He is a spotted dove (gughu) bird and his name is Rancho. He was a small little bird whom his industrious mother was feeding. But one day his mother left and never came back. His nest was in our annexe, on top of a cupboard. My mother when watering plants saw that he was alone in his nest without his mother. We didn’t do anything during the day hoping the mother would be back. But when it didn’t we immediately took action. I helped my mother to feed him gram flour dissolved in water with a dropper. After 2 days I was able to feed him. I waited eagerly for his food timings so that I would feed him. He needed to be fed 4 times at 7 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and at 7.30 p.m.  As he was very active he used to jump when I would be feeding him and as a result, some of his food fell on his body. I used to clean them with a wet cloth. I took care of him as my little brother. Our plan was to bring him up until he was mature and give him freedom. Once he gave us a nightmare when he ran away into another room. We searched all the house and at last, found him sleeping under my bed. I also made many videos with him. 

But I think his luck was not so good. He suffered from a disease. We could see it was not running and lost its appetite. He was examined by my father’s veterinary friend. He gave us a vitamin which we had to feed him 3 times a day and we did so. But alas, the next day when I got up I saw him still like a stone. I couldn't believe the harsh reality. That whole day I only cried and lost all my appetite. I thought and thought we tried our best but why, what caused his death? But my only satisfaction was that Rancho’s mother returned and laid 2 fresh eggs. She took care of them until they were fully mature. This time I saw them from a distance with my binoculars so the mother wouldn't get scared. Then one day suddenly she left. For 2 days the birds Chunnoo and Munnoo as I named them, sat in the nest the whole day. Then I went to see them from a close distance and to my surprise they flew away. I was sad at first but then I got happy as I realized that they can now fly and can mingle with other birds and live a happy life. My mother appreciated this move with laughter. If they hadn’t flown away they would have died of hunger. I was very happy that though Rancho couldn't be saved  Chunnoo and Munnoo were saved from the hand of death.


I will always remember Rancho and I will never forget the time I spent with him and he will always stay in my heart.


Souptik Singha

Class 8 (B)

Roll 51

St. Xavier’s School Burdwan

For Annual Magazine 2021

Rancho...hope you are in peace

Chunnoo(left) and Munnoo(right)


  1. Very nice and mature writing Souptik. Write what you feel, like this. Keep up the good work. Best wishes


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